Billing Terms & Condition

1. Payment Method

We accept PayPal as a payment method for purchases made on our website. PayPal is a secure and convenient way to pay for your orders.

2. Billing Information

When you choose to pay with PayPal, you will be redirected to the PayPal website, where you can log in to your PayPal account or pay with a credit card. Your billing information, including your credit card information, is securely processed by PayPal, and we do not have access to or store this information on our website.

3. Payment Confirmation

Once your payment is confirmed through PayPal, you will receive an email confirmation from PayPal. Your order will also be confirmed by our website.

4. Refunds

Refunds for products purchased through PayPal will be processed in accordance with our Refund Policy. Please review this policy for detailed information about our refund process.

5. PayPal Disputes and Claims

If you have any issues with your purchase or need assistance, please contact us directly through our Contact Us page. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and resolving any concerns you may have.

If you have any disputes or claims related to your PayPal payment, please contact PayPal customer support directly, as they handle PayPal payment-related matters.

6. Privacy and Security

We take the privacy and security of your payment information seriously. For details on how we handle your data.

Support 24\7
Phone: +44 7736 254047
Address: 19 Mill Lane, Camblesforth, Selby, YO8 8HW, United Kingdom